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Reference Letter nº 1

Sandra Isabel Nunes Cruz, born in 27th April 1981, in Bragança (Portugal), daughter of Manuel Carlos Cruz, and Maria Antónia Cordeiro Nunes Cruz, concluded with the classification of 15 values the course of nursing (Portaria numero 848-A/99, from September 30), on 2nd October 2003.

Sandra Isabel Nunes Cruz always had an appropriate behavior in school and clinical contex. She demonstrated a good theorical and practical knowledge that enabled her to develop general and specific competences in nursing.

As a student she showed work ability, dynamism, iniciative and critical judgment. She always had a good attitude towards the academic community, honesty and ability to work in a team.

Em Macedo de Cavaleiros, 30th March 2012.

Carta de referência redigida por
Ana Paula Correia Barbeiro
(Professora Adjunta da Escola Superior de Saúde Jean Piaget/ Nordeste)


Sandra Isabel Nunes Cruz, born in 27th April 1981, in Bragança (Portugal), daughter of Manuel Carlos Cruz and Maria Antónia Cordeiro Nunes Cruz, was my student in 1998/1999.

She always had an appropriate behavior in school and clinical context. She demonstrated a good theorical and practical knowledge that enabled her to develop general and specific competences in nursing.

As a student she showed work ability, dynamism, iniciative and critical judgment,. She always had a good attitude towards the academic community, honesty and the ability to work in team.

Bragança, 10th April 2012-04-10.

Carta escrita pelo Srº Enfermeiro Carlos Magalhães
Professor Adjunto
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança - Escola Superior de saúde
Departamento de Ciências de Enfermagem e Gerontologia
Especialista em enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica
PhD em Gerontologia Social


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