Anatomy of the Upper Limb: Musculature of the Arm and Forearm

In Lecturio ;) - A large number of different muscles makes the forearm and the hand one of the most complex structures in our musculoskeletal system and can cause issues for both medical professionals and students. The most common arm injuries occur in the upper arm, especially the radius.

Inflammation forearm extensor muscle
Image “Inflammation of a forearm extensor muscle” by License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Flexors of the Elbow

The flexors of the elbow include the brachialis muscle, the brachioradialis muscle, and the biceps brachii muscle.
MuscleOriginInsertionNerve supplyFunction
BrachioradialisProximal two-thirds of lateral supracondylar ridgeLateral surface of distal radius and pre-styloid processRadial nerve (C6)Weak flexor of the elbow, strong flexor when forearm mid-pronated
BrachialisAnterior aspect of the humerus lateral to the deltoid tuberosityUlnar tuberosityMusculocutaneous nerve (C5-C7)Flexes the elbow and assists with supination.
Biceps brachiiShort head – coracoid process
Long head – supraglenoid tubercle
Tuberosity of the radiusMusculocutaneous nerve (C5-C6)Supinates the forearm and assists with elbow flexion
Extensor carpi radialis longusLateral supracondylar ridgeDorsal aspect of 2nd metacarpalRadial nerve (C6, C7)Extend and abduct wrist
Extensor carpi radialis brevisLateral epicondyle (common extensor origin)Dorsal aspect of the 3rd metacarpalDeep branch of the radial nerve (C7)

Extensors of the Elbow

Triceps brachiiLong head – infraglenoid tubercle
Lateral and medial heads – posterior humerus
OlecranonRadial nerve (C6 – C8)Extends the elbow

Flexors of the Arm

Divided into two groups – the common flexors and the deep flexors.

Common flexors

MuscleOriginInsertionNerve supplyFunction
Pronator teresUlnar head: coronoid process of ulna
Humeral head: medial epicondyle
Middle of lateral surface of radiusMedian nerve (C7)Pronates and flexes the forearm
Flexor carpi radialisMedial epicondyle of humerusBase of 2nd metacarpalFlexes and abducts hand at wrist
Palmaris longusFlexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosisFlexes hand at wrist and tenses palmar aponeurosis
Flexor carpi ulnarisOlecranon and posterior ulnaPisiform, hook of hamate, 5th metacarpalUlnar nerve (C8)Flexes and adducts hand at wrist

Deep flexors

MuscleOriginInsertionNerve supplyFunction
Flexor digitorum profundusProximal surfaces of medial and anterior surfaces of ulna and interosseous membraneMedial four digits distal phalangesLateral muscle bellies to digits 2 and 3: Median nerve (C7, C8, T1)
Medial muscle bellies to digits 4 and 5: Ulnar nerve (T1)
Flexes hand at wrist joint
Flexes distal interphalangeal joint
Flexor pollicis longusAnterior surface of radius and interosseous membraneDistal phalanx of first digitsAnterior interosseous nerve (branch of median) (C8)Flexes wrist
Flexes interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints of first digits
Pronator quadratusDistal quarter of ulnaDistal quarter of radiusPronates forearm

Extensors of the Arm

Also divided into two groups – the common extensors and the deep extensors.
Muscles That Move the Forearm
Image: “Muscles That Move the Forearm” by Phil Schatz. License: CC BY 4.0

Common extensors

MuscleOriginInsertionNerve supplyFunction
Extensor carpi radialis (longus and brevis)
Extensor digitorumLateral epicondyle (common extensor origin)Extensor expansion of medial four digitsPosterior interosseous nerve (C7; from deep radal nerve)Extend wrist
Extend medial four digits at metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints (fifth digit for EDM)
Extensor digiti minimiExtensor expansion of fifth digit
Extensor carpi ulnarisLateral epicondyle and posterior surface of ulnaDorsal aspect of fifth metacarpalExtends and adducts wrist

Deep extensors

MusclesOriginInsertionNerve supplyFunction
SupinatorLateral epicondyle of humerus, supinator fossa and proximal ulnaPosterior, lateral and anterior surfaces of proximal radiusDeep branch of radial nerve (C8)Supination of forearm
Abductor pollicis longusPosterior surface of radius and ulna and interosseous membraneMetacarpal of first digitPosterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8) from deep radial nerveExtends wrist
Abducts thumb and extends it at carpometacarpal joint
Extensor pollicis longusPosterior surface of ulna and interosseous membraneDorsal surface of distal phalanx of first digitExtends wrist
Extends distal (EPL)/ proximal (EPB) phalanx of thumb at interphalangeal joint
Extends metacarpophangeal and carpometacarpal joints
Extensor pollicis brevisPosterior surface of radius and interosseous membraneDorsal surface of proximal phalanx of first digit
Extensor indicisPosterior surface of the ulnaExtensor expansion of 2ndfingerPosterior interosseous nerve (C7 and C8) from deep radial nerveExtends 2nd finger and assists with hand extension

Review Questions

Solutions can be found below the references.
1. Which of the following muscles does not have any flexion capacity in the elbow or forearm?
  1. Pronator teres muscle
  2. Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle
  3. Brachialis muscle
  4. Brachioradialis muscle
  5. Anconeus muscle
2. What nerve innervates the flexor carpi radialis muscle?
  1. Axillary nerve
  2. Radial nerve
  3. Median nerve
  4. Ulnar nerve
  5. Musculocutaneous nerve
3. Which of the following muscles does not belong to the group of the dorsal ulnar and palmar-dorsal abductors?
  1. Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle
  2. Extensor digiti minimi muscle
  3. Extensor digitorum muscle
  4. Extensor indicis muscle
  5. Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle


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