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Resumo de aquém e além do cérebro de Fernando Lopes da Silva

Trabalhou e Viveu no Porto, médico, cientista, professor, investigador, artista plástico, prosador, profundamente humanístico e amante da filantropia, bem como um resistente ao regime salazarista Português. A sua tese de medicina "ensaio de psicologia filosófica" reflete em grande parte os valores que levava na alma, publica enquanto investigador 113 trabalhos científicos, após a sua morte Professor Ruy Gomes e um grupo de amigos fundam a Fundação Abel Salazar, dos seus quadros destacam Trapeiras , Feira, Mercado do Anjo, Paisagem, Vale de Albergaria, Mercado da Ribeira, Ao Sol, Nas Galerias Lafayette, Auto retrato, Costureira, Estudo da Tinta da China. Em 1975 é fundado o ICBAS. Em 1926 passa por um esgotamento e uma depressão, nessa altura dedica-se ás artes demonstrando a sua força de carácter. Mas também escreve uma Primavera em Itália, Filosofia da Arte, A morte da fantasia, Notas sobre a arte portuguesa.  Defende que a biblioteca devia estar aberta no período noturno de...

COVID19, Poster

Retirado de posteres produzidos em Espanha, em Março de 2020

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) — Classification and Survival Rate

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is caused by malignant transformation of the hematopoietic stem cells. It is predominantly seen in individuals between the ages of 50 and 60 years and is characterized by the arrest of leukocyte development in the early stage of development. Diagnosis is based on the presence of blast cells in the peripheral circulation. AML is treated by chemotherapy, which includes treatment of remission and post-induction remission. Refractory cases of AML are treated by bone marrow transplants. Complications of AML include anemia, infections, and bleeding as well as acute medical emergencies such as necrotizing enterocolitis, hyperleukocytosis, and tumor lysis syndrome. Table of Contents Definition of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Epidemiology & Etiology of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Classification of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Pathophysiology of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Clinical Examination and Symptoms of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Th...

Varicose Veins Guidelines


Cataract Referral guidelines



RECOGNISING SEPSIS The clinical diagnosis of sepsis may be obvious, such as when someone presents to the emergency department with community acquired pneumonia or a perforated viscus; however, in other circumstances and when onset is more insidious the diagnosis of sepsis is often missed. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is essential as each hours delay in administering antibiotics increases risk of death by close to 8%  (6) . Compliance with international guidelines for the management of sepsis remains low even in countries where the guidelines have been embraced  (7;8) . Sepsis occurs as a result of infection, signs suggestive of infection include: Fever and/or rigors Hypothermia Cough, increased sputum production or dyspnoea Abdominal pain or distension Dysuria, urinary frequency, odour New onset confusion or decreased level of consciousness Recent surgery or invasive procedure with cellulitis or wound infection Line associated redness/swelling/pain P...