
A mostrar mensagens de janeiro, 2019

Gastrointestinal Motility: Gastric Motility and Intestinal Motility

In Lecturio - Gastrointestinal motility is one of the major roles played by the alimentary canal. In the esophagus, it serves to get the ingested bolus of food from the oropharynx to the stomach. In the stomach, this motility is responsible for the churning and mixing of food and turning it into chyme. This continues in the small and large intestines until the digested food can be excreted out of the anus. There are various anatomical and physiological components of gastrointestinal motility. It is very important for medical students and healthcare professionals to have a clear clinical understanding of these components. Table of Contents Histology of the Gastrointestinal Tract Gastrointestinal Tract Innervation Gastric Motility Intestinal Motility Review Questions References Are you more of a visual learner? Check out our online video lectures and start your gastrointestinal pathology course now for free! <img width="624" ...

Malignant Hyperthermia — Diagnosis and Treatment

While anesthesia has become safer and safer in past years, there are some rare but dreaded complications, which can rapidly worsen the state of the patients and can even lead to their death. A prospective physician should be familiar with these emergencies. An important complication in the context of anesthesia is malignant hyperthermia, an acute functional disorder of the skeletal muscles. Here, you can learn how it develops and how malignant hyperthermia is treated. Table of Contents Calcium Metabolism Derailment These Anesthetics Require Careful Use Recognizing Malignant Hyperthermia Emergency Therapy of Malignant Hyperthermia Diagnosis of Malignant Hyperthermia References Are you more of a visual learner? Check out our online video lectures and start your Emergency Medicine course now for free! <img width="624" height="467" src="" ...

Energy, Enzymes and Metabolism

In Lecturio - Metabolism is the sum of both catabolism (pathways that break down molecules for generation of cellular energy) and anabolism (pathways that build macromolecules using cellular energy). Here, we will discuss metabolism with regards to the Laws of Thermodynamics, Enzymology, and go over some of the major metabolic pathways utilized by organisms to perfectly prepare you for upcoming exams. Table of Contents Cellular Energy Laws of Thermodynamics Enzymes Catalyze the Reactions of Metabolism Biochemical Pathways Bicarbonate Buffering System Review Questions References Are you more of a visual learner? Check out our online video lectures and start your molecular and cell biology course now for free! <img width="624" height="410" src="" data-lazy-src="

Pharmacodynamics: Upregulation and Downregulation, Dose-Response Curves and More

As opposed to pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics is what a drug does to the body. When a drug is administered, it acts on the target cell populations by means of certain receptors. There are various types of receptors, and the drug-receptor complexes can produce a specific or a variety of pharmacological effects, based on the mechanisms activated. These effects can be desirable (therapeutic) or toxic/lethal and are often dose dependent. Thus, it is crucial to learn the pharmacodynamics of the drug to arrive at not only an effective, but also a safe dose, to the individual. Table of Contents Important Definitions to Understand Pharmacodynamics Receptors and Effectors Upregulation and Downregulation Dose-Response Curves Binding Curves Spare Receptors Toxicity, Toxicity Curves and Therapeutic Ratio Review Questions References Are you more of a visual learner? Check out our online video lectures and start your pharmacology course now for free! ...

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

For drugs to produce significant effects, they must be able to interact with the body. This interaction is affected by a number of factors which include the properties of the drugs and mechanism by which drugs are absorbed through the body systems. In this article, basics of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are discussed. Given emphasis are some of the factors affecting drug action, namely lipophilicity, acid sensitivity and BBB penetration. Table of Contents Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Drug Action Factors Affecting Drug Absorption Review Question References Are you more of a visual learner? Check out our online video lectures and start your pharmacology course now for free! <img width="624" height="416" src="" data-lazy-src="" class=...