Types of Headache — Migraine, Cluster Headache and more
Headache is one of the most common symptoms in the emergency department and outpatient clinics. It can be a sign for serious illness that needs immediate action to prevent fatal consequences e.g. subarachnoid hemorrhage, meningitis and temporal arteritis. Headache also can be a sign of chronic physical and mental illnesses. Careful history taking and physical examination should be performed to any patient complaining of headache for proper diagnosis and management. Table of Contents Overview Red Flag Headaches Primary Headache Miscellaneous Diagnostic Tests References Are you more of a visual learner? Check out our online video lectures and start your neurology course now for free! <img width="624" height="624" src="" data-lazy-src="https://d3uigcfkiiww0g.cloudfront.net/wordpress/blog/pics-en/uploads/Headache-1557872_960_720-624x6...